Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Anti-Pussy

I'm sure many of you have heard of cock-blocking, cock-blocker, c-block, or c-blocker. This term is used to describe a disgraceful man or woman that is attempting to block a persons advances on a woman. This usually comes from a so-called "friend" that shares affection for the same woman, or a twat that is jealous her friend is getting all the attention. Either person is known as a cock-blocker and labeled as such. Bearing this label is like being branded with the A in The Scarlett Letter. You will be shunned as an outcast, and rightly so, by every man attempting to seal the deal.

We all know of this person(s) and act accordingly in their presence. However, I bring to light a new threat to the spread of the male seed. I present to you the anti-pussy. This person is a hybrid of cock-blocker and ninja. He exists only to deny and reject female advances. After close examination, you will see that this person has an uncanny ability to make woman not attracted to him, and by default to you.

For example, Mr. Anti-Pussy (Mr. AP) might have a lady friend that likes him. To all observers this lady friend is attractive and a good catch. However, to Mr. AP she has some ubsurd flaw that no one else can see. He might say something similar to "she looks too much like her brother" and, in fact, would look nothing like her brother.

But beware. These are only a few examples of what an anti-pussy might do. His ways are so well concealed you might not be aware of the negative affect he has. Heed my advice, if your so-called wingman ever tells a woman "Your name is ____. My moms name is ____ too" you are in the presence of anti-pussy-- run and do not look back.

Just kidding bro :-)

Numero Uno

Please bear, hehe bear, with me as I attempt to blog for the very first time. I never really saw the purpose in blogging, but I have recently realized I have a lot of ideas in my feeble brain that should be recorded somewhere, if for no other reason than to help me keep my sanity.

I must warn you, I do not plan on being politically correct at all...